About Censtats

We Help Companies Move Faster

Should Census Data be a chore to comb through? This was the question asked by Censtats original founder back in 2017, when they found themselves needing to compile data from numerous census data points over and over again.

It's not that the Census Bureau doesn't do a good job (they do, in fact). It's that census data is a dense subject, and compiling necessary points into common file formats - ones that engineering teams or decision makers need - is a chore that often takes countless hours from team members.

That's where Censtats comes in: we compile the most important and requested data points into ready-to-go file formats. After purchasing from our storefront, you should be able to hand these files off to any engineering team or stakeholder and focus on the problem you're trying to solve - not the menial labor piece of it.

We do it for reasonable prices, too - the data is free from the Census Bureau, and we don't want to charge more than the labor costs as a result. Some other companies charge far more - this shouldn't be the case!

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